Evan Almighty.. "If somebody is a patient and the other one is patient also He/she gives to the other one the opportunity of being but patient The same thing passes in the family You believe that it used that alone he/she will have a feeling That better opportunity it is to be loved each other" "如果有人祈求耐心 你覺得上帝會給他們耐心嗎? 還是給他們機會學會有耐心? 如果有人祈求勇氣 是給他們勇氣 還是給他們機會變得有勇氣? 如果有人祈求家庭更和睦 你覺得上帝會給他們耳鬢廝磨的溫情嗎? 還是會給相互關愛對方的機會?"